- Canoe Loan Request: March 15, 2016
- Team Registration: May 22, 2016
For crews bringing their own canoe, payment
and waivers are due by Sunday May 22, 10PM EDT. Crews in need of a canoe should read the Canoe Loans section below and related info on the Liberty website. All teams must register through PaddleGuru. No race day registrations will be accepted. Registration fee is 510 USD per crew.
March 15, 2016 deadline for teams borrowing canoes.
Teams that complete registration and provide payment of registration fees prior
to Tuesday March 15, 11:59PM EDT will be given first consideration for boat
loans. After March 15, 2016, teams in need of a canoe for the race must have approval from the Liberty Registration Team before registering on PaddleGuru. Additional important canoe loan information is available on the Liberty website.
All crews should read the grand prize, registration information and rules & regulations pages on the Liberty website prior to registering. The Liberty Registration team can be reached via email at libertyregistration@newyorkoutrigger.org.
20% cancellation fee will be assessed for all registrations
cancelled before Sunday May 22, 10PM EDT. A 100% cancellation fee will be
assessed for all registrations cancelled after Sunday May 22.
Mandatory crew packet pickup and captain’s
safety meeting will be held on Friday June 10, time TBD.
More information is available on the Liberty website.