Battle of the Bay 2017

July 29 @ Conanicut Yacht Club, Jamestown, RI, United States


The Battle of the Bay race will be held on July 29, 2017. Hosted by Tim Dwyer and his family, this 5 mile race on Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay is a true open-water event, with rough ocean conditions and significant boat traffic likely. Although primarily for surfskis, outrigger canoes are also welcome to participate.

As in the past, the race will be held in conjunction with a Sean Rice beginner/intermediate half-day clinic in the afternoon (and an advanced all-day clinic on Sunday). See Sean's PaddleLife page for details and registration information.

There is a $15 registration fee for this race to cover support costs. You must register prior to race day - there is no race day registration.  No formal awards will be given (although winners may be required to pose with silly props), but this race is part of both the point series. There will likewise be no food or drink provided, although we'll walk together into the town after the race for lunch. Last year we were able to get exciting photos of most paddlers racing and we expect to do so again.

Here's a link to the course map from a previous year. The course may change depending on conditions. Paddlers will meet at the beach across the road from the Bay Voyage Inn in Jamestown, Rhode Island. Please park on Bay View Drive (near the Inn) or along the right side of Buloid Avenue. Do not park in the Conanicut Yacht Club parking lot.

8:30 - Registration and check-in
9:30 - Captain's meeting
10:00 - Race start

After the race, we'll make arrangements to have lunch together (at each paddler's expense).  Bring a beach chair for hanging out afterwards.

Past Results and Race Reports
2016 Race Report from Greg Lesher
2015 Race Report from Greg Lesher

See Surfski America for past results.

Disclaimer and Warning
This race is being run under the Common Adventure model. You are responsible for your own safety. The race directors assume no liability.  All paddlers must have a PFD, leg or paddle leash, phone or VHF radio in waterproof case, and whistle. Failure to carry these items will result in exclusion from the official results. Orange smoke flares are highly recommended, but not required. Do not register for this race unless you are comfortable paddling alone in rough water and have good self-rescue skills.
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