The unspoiled mountain waters of South Carolina's premier inland paddling destination are home to the Lake Jocassee Paddle Splash, offering races for kayaks, surfskis, canoes, paddleboards, and other self-powered craft. Beginners and advanced paddlers are welcome, and are grouped by age and the speed of the craft to keep the racing fair. Choose between long (six mile) and short (three mile) loop courses. Kayak and SUP rentals are available on site at the Eclectic Sun Paddlesports concession, or bring your favorite ride. Lake Jocassee's 8,000 scenic acres and its many waterfalls are best viewed from a paddler's perspective, so make the race a weekend vacation by reserving a campsite or villa at the race venue: Devils Fork State Park or at one of Oconee County's parks. Check out the video from the 2018 Lake Jocassee Paddle Splash here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hslzcGUoTJg
Registration Fees
Adult: $30. Late registration: after midnight Sunday, October 7, no T shirt will be available.
Under age 16: $20. To receive the youth discount when registering, enter the following Coupon Code: Under 16. Late registration: after midnight Sunday, October 7, no T shirt will be available
Registration closes at 6 pm on Wednesday, October 10.
Friends of Jocassee, Inc.
Net proceeds go to the Friends of Jocassee, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit corporation. The Friends of Jocassee is a volunteer advocacy group which preserves, protects and promotes the natural and cultural resources of the Lake Jocassee area and its recreational opportunities. Follow this link to learn more: www.friendsofjocassee.org
The Usual Amenities
- Gatorade and water for rehydration
- Post-race awards ceremony at the Jocassee Valley Brewing Company, featuring local craft beers, and Ruth's Grillin' and Chillin' food truck. Their Oktoberfest event begins at 4 pm, so stick around or come back in the evening for music and more.
- Paddle Splash T-shirts
- A concession is at the start line, including recreational kayak and SUP rentals: Eclectic Sun
- Prizes to third place in each class age group
- Door prizes: $100 gift certificate from Epic; merchandise gift bags from REI, Half-Moon Outfitters and Jocassee Valley Brewing Company; 70% discount coupon from Astral
Southeast Paddle Sport Championship Series
The Lake Jocassee Paddle Splash is part of the SEP series. Follow the link to see all of this racing season's competitions.
Thank You to our Generous Sponsors:
Eclectic Sun; Epic Kayaks; Oconee County Parks, Recreation & Tourism; Kingfisher Maps; Grady's Great Outdoors; Anchored Soul; Singleton Marine - Lake Keowee; REI; Half-Moon Outfitters; Oconee County Emergency Services; Jocassee Valley Brewing Company; Astral; Jocassee Lake Tours; Jocassee Adventures